品牌身分识别系统 + 品牌主题视频 | Brand Identity Framework + Thematic Video

1. 独立完成为公司全球传播而设的品牌身分识别系统。(案例分享可按要求提供)。


1. A brand system created for the need of worldwide communication for the Chinese MNC, all created in-house (Case study available on request).


2. EnOS 品牌主题视频:展示产品概念的视频,主要为配合与全球生意伙伴沙特阿美,以及内地相关政府领导合作洽谈时使用。


2. EnOS Thematic Video: A product concept video created for potential collaborations with global business partners, notably Saudi Aramco and top government officials of China.